Become a DRC Wiki Editor Today!


Welcome to Wiki Wednesday!

For the next two months, Wednesdays at the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative are going to be focused on wikis, often talking about the wiki we know best, the DRC Wiki.

DRC Wiki Main Page Displayed as an Image
DRC Wiki Main Page

We’ve written before about how we’re aiming to develop the Wiki as a resource for scholars in digital rhetoric, computers and composition, composition studies, and other related fields. We’re aiming to capture a history–or histories–of digital rhetoric and computers and writing/composition, as well as their intersections with pedagogy, digital humanities, and more, through the DRC Wiki.

Building this history—really, histories—is a big task. We need your help. For our inaugural Wiki Wednesday post, we’d like to invite you to join our effort to expand our Wiki by becoming a DRC Wiki editor. If you’re visiting this site, we’re interested in your help. Maybe you’ve been attending Computers and Writing from the beginning (or the famous Hawaii conference)! Or, maybe you’ve been studying Rhetorical Velocity or Stuart Selber’s Multiliteracies for a Digital Age for class or comps. Whatever your scholarly level, we welcome your expertise as a DRC Wiki editor.

Once you’re an editor, we look forward to contributions both large and small, contributions that

Interested? Here’s what to do next:

Become a DRC Wiki Editor

1. Create a U-M  Friend account link:

2. Once you see a screen confirming that your U-M Friend account has been created, you can use your Friend account login to access the DRC Wiki site

by clicking the wiki’s “login with CoSign” and entering your Friend account and password.
Login with CoSign

3.  After logging in to the wiki, begin making your contributions to the wiki by clicking the “Edit” tab.

Check out the Help link for instructions about how to get started as well as the naming conventions for your entry.

DRC Wiki Edit Tab circled with an arrow pointing to it.
DRC Wiki Edit Tab

Editors may also sign up by accessing the DRC Wiki Site and locating the Signing Up for a DRC Wiki Account section, which contains the link for creating a U-M  Friend account link:

DRC Wiki Main Page Sign Up

Welcome to the Wiki! We look forward to seeing your contributions!


  • Brenta Blevins

    A Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative fellow in 2013-14 and 2014-15, Brenta Blevins is an Assistant Professor of Writing Studies and Digital Studies at the University of Mary Washington. She completed her PhD in digital rhetoric and composition at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro where her dissertation examined the rhetoric and literacy of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. She previously worked in the software development industry. Her current research interests include Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality, digital literacy and digital pedagogy, and multiliteracy/multimodality.

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