The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative is seeking reviewers for Computers & Writing 2014 sessions. We have enjoyed having many contributors in the past two years and hope many of our readers would be willing to write a session review to be published on the DRC site this summer!
If you would like to be a reviewer for a #cwcon session, please visit our Google Form to either sign up for a panel, caucus, town hall, or keynote to review. You may also propose a different panel to review. Your review should include an overview of the session, but should also address key implications, stakes, or take-away points. Please also make sure that if you offer relevant critique in your review, you do so in a collegial and constructive manner. You can find models of previous CW reviews on the DRC website.
Reviews can be composed in written text (500-1500 words) or in any other appropriate media as long as the information can be received by a user in 3-5 minutes. We reserve the right to send reviews back for revision if necessary, and we may do some editing of received reviews. First drafts of reviews are due one week after the date of the assigned session, and we will be in touch about how to submit reviews once everyone has signed up.
If you have any questions or would like more information, you can contact the DRC fellows at