The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative is seeking reviewers for the Watson 2018 Conference. We are particularly interested in conference reviews relating to digital rhetoric. Reviews are published on the DRC website to help facilitate conversations about conference sessions among attendees and others who may not have been present at the conference.
If you would like to be a reviewer for a #watscon18 session, please visit our Google Form to sign up for a session to review.
Reviews can be composed in written text (500-1500 words) or in any other appropriate media as long as the information can be received by a user in 3-5 minutes. Your review should include an overview of the session, but should also address key implications, stakes, or take-away points. Please also make sure that if you offer relevant critique in your review, you do so in a collegial and constructive manner. We may edit received reviews or send reviews back for revision, if necessary. Feel free to refer to the 2016 Watson Reviews and 2018 C&W Reviews to serve as models.
Reviews due: Monday, November 12
Reviewers will receive an email close to the conference dates with information about the submission process. If you have any questions or would like more information, you can contact the DRC fellows at
Digital Rhetoric Sessions of Interest
We are particularly interested in reviews of sessions focused on digital rhetoric and have curated a list of such sessions, though you can propose another session to review.
Thursday – 11:00-12:15 PM: Concurrent Session A
- A6 – Rhetorical Futures: Invention and Ethics through Social Media
- A9 – Designing Digital Writing Futures: Strategies and Research Methods for Circulation Studies
- A13 – Future Digital Histories: What’s (Been) the Matter with Digital Literacies
Thursday – 1:30-2:45 PM: Concurrent Session B
- B1 – Making the Familiar Matter: Mapping Technology Ecologies as a Method for Making Everyday Structures and Relationships Visible
- B3 – Troubling Matters: Materializing Underlying Problems and Solutions in Free Speech, Big Data, and Advertising
- B6 – Digital Learner Interactions: The Work of Online Community Building Via Groups in Graduate Courses
- B12 – Digital Circulation Matters: Algorithms, Platforms, and Digital Ecologies
Thursday – 4:00-5:15 PM: Concurrent Session C
- C1 – Making Memes that Work for Change: A Hands-on Exploration of Political Messages and Political Participation
- C13 – Digital Futures: Media, Twitter, and Digital Afterlifes
Friday – 10:15-11:30 AM: Concurrent Session D
- D12 – Public Rhetorics that Matter and Digital Futures
- D14 – Matters of Fact: Rhetorical Theories, Strategies, and Pedagogies in a Post-Truth Era
Friday – 12:30-1:45 PM: Concurrent Session E
- E5 – Tracing Methodological Becomings
- E6 – Bodies-of-Sensation: Future Entanglements with Queer, Transfer, and Digital Rhetorics
- E9 – The Matter of Fake News: Civic Literacies Within and Beyond the University
- E10 – Mobilizing Border Literacies: The Signals, Languages, and Codes, that Matter
- E14 – How and Why Digital Rhetoric Matters: Hashtag Feminism, Political Memes, and Pepe the Frog
Friday – 2:00-3:15 PM: Concurrent Session F
- F3 – Say WAT does it Matter?: Triangulating the Spaces and Appeals of Multimodal Writing Program Redesign
Friday – 4:30-5:45 PM: Concurrent Session G
- G2 – Reconfiguring Method, Making, Materiality, and Meaning: Four Attunements for Rhetoric & Composition in a Post-digital Culture
- G11 – Modal Matters: Noise, Bodies, and the Material Realm
- G14 – Making Multimodal Matters: Challenging Understandings of (Multi)modality
Saturday – 9:00-10:15 AM: Concurrent Session H
- H10 – Making Data Matters: Rhetorics of Big (and small) Data for Writing Studies
**The above sessions were selected based on whether the session titles and/or majority of presentation titles referenced digital rhetoric, technology, and/or digital pedagogy. We only included sessions where the majority of participants appeared to discuss issues relevant to digital rhetoric, so individual digital rhetoric presentations in other sessions were omitted from this list.