In this limited run podcast, DRC fellows, Laura McCann, a PhD candidate in Rhetoric at Carnegie Mellon University, and Laura Leigh Menard, a PhD candidate in Rhetoric and Writing Studies at Bowling Green State University, sit down with digital rhetoricians to talk in depth about their research methods and methodologies. The goal for this podcast is to provide nitty gritty details about how leading and innovative scholars in the fields of rhetoric, composition, and technical communication do their work. Their interviews dig into how these scholars define and understand digital rhetoric projects, how they go about identifying and then collecting their data, and what theories/approaches/and practical tools they use to analyze the (sometimes unwieldly) data that they collected.
This podcast series is meant for anyone interested in learning more about digital rhetoric methods & methodologies. The scholars they interview work with diverse approaches, ranging from X to supervised machine learning and artificial intelligence. Any one of these methods can seem overwhelming when you first begin. Their goal in designing this podcast series was to detail how these scholars got started, what resources they turned to as they learned and developed their methodological approaches, lessons they’ve learned long the way, and what advice they’d offer future scholars of digital rhetoric.
The four interviews include their talks with Dr. Laura Gonzales, an Assistant Professor of Digital Writing and Cultural Rhetorics at the University of Florida specializing in user experience, technical communication and multi-lingual digital tools and technologies; Dr. S. Scott Graham, an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin studying bioscience and health policy through AI and machine learning; Dr. Caddie Alford, an Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University specializing in social media culture, feminism, and writing pedagogies; and Dr. Wilfredo Flores, an assistant professor and former DRC Fellow at the University of North Carolina specializing in digital cultural rhetorics, and colonial intimacies between science, technologies, and medicine.
They both hope you enjoy and learn from the interviews with these impressive scholars. Engage with us online on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram @SweetlandDRC.