Author: Ann Shivers-McNair

Ann Shivers-McNair is a PhD candidate in language and rhetoric at the University of Washington, where she teaches writing and rhetoric courses. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in journals and edited collections such as College Composition and Communication and Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs.

Panelists Katie Manthey, Michigan State University Seth Davis, Syracuse University Review Katie Manthey spoke first. Her talk related to her project, Fa(t)shion Rhetorics, investigating the ways that fat fashion bloggers make meaning. She spoke of fat fashion bloggers running into the issue that it’s hard to find anything to wear that fits, let alone looks good —  this has gotten much easier with the rise of internet shopping, but it remains an issue, especially for people who can not or do not shop online. Because of the difficulty of finding clothing that even fits, many fatter people take longer to reach the…

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Panelists Steven Hammer, St. Josephs University Samuel Harvey, St. Cloud State University Liberty Kohn, Winona State University Review This panel began with Steven Hammer of Saint Joseph’s University presenting on “The Sounds of Access: Disability, Art, and Open Source DIT (do-it-together) Interventions.” Hammer’s presentation is concerned with Western art history and multimedia writing’s tendency to ignore the perspectives and contributions of disabled people, and with the tendency towards a deficit model. He notes that after a diagnosis, there is a prognosis, which rather than simply describing what life will or could be like, it uses a presumed (and now unavailable)…

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