Author: Brenta Blevins

A Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative fellow in 2013-14 and 2014-15, Brenta Blevins is an Assistant Professor of Writing Studies and Digital Studies at the University of Mary Washington. She completed her PhD in digital rhetoric and composition at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro where her dissertation examined the rhetoric and literacy of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. She previously worked in the software development industry. Her current research interests include Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality, digital literacy and digital pedagogy, and multiliteracy/multimodality.

Welcome back to Wiki Wednesday! Last week, we inaugurated midweek as Wiki Wednesdays at the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. This week, we’re talking about ways that you can contribute to the DRC Wiki effort to develop the Wiki as a resource for scholars in the fields of digital rhetoric, computers and composition, composition studies, and other related fields. DRC Wiki Home Page DRC Wiki Purposes and Audiences We’re developing the Wiki as one means of representing the histories of digital rhetoric and computers and writing/composition, as well as their intersections with pedagogy, digital humanities, and more. We’re hoping this site can…

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Welcome to Wiki Wednesday! For the next two months, Wednesdays at the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative are going to be focused on wikis, often talking about the wiki we know best, the DRC Wiki. We’ve written before about how we’re aiming to develop the Wiki as a resource for scholars in digital rhetoric, computers and composition, composition studies, and other related fields. We’re aiming to capture a history–or histories–of digital rhetoric and computers and writing/composition, as well as their intersections with pedagogy, digital humanities, and more, through the DRC Wiki. Building this history—really, histories—is a big task. We need your help.…

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Title: Fort McMoney Author-Director: David Dufresne Publication Date: November 25, 2013 Official Website: Fort McMoney is an interactive documentary game about Fort McMurray in the oilsands area of Canada. The Game Manual describes Fort McMoney as “a documentary game that engages in a virtual reimagining of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. There will be three rounds of the game, each played in real time over a four-week period.” At the beginning of 2014, Fort McMoney was in its second round of play. The manual addresses the user as being in control: “Allow your vision of the world to shape the…

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Hollow is a transmedia documentary that is our January Webtext of the Month. We’ve included below a list of responses, reactions, discussions, and projects similar to Hollow. We hope this resource helps students, teachers, and designers plan digital storytelling projects or lessons, and to give audience members new ways to think about digital storytelling. Feel free to leave us a comment and share a link to a resource that adds to this conversation. Recognition of Hollow Just a few of the recognitions this innovative documentary has won include: FWA The Cutting Edge award, a recognition by Adobe of a project…

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