Author: Bri Lafond

Dr. Bri Lafond (she/her) is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Millikin University and Virtual Events Chair of the Online Writing Centers Association. She researches content creators’ multimedia composing practices as well as how various technologies impact writing center tutoring, training, and governance.

As a writing center practitioner and digital media scholar, I’ve observed with great interest the increasing entanglement of digital technologies in students’ writing processes. I’ve assisted students who struggle to get their words down on paper by setting up voice-to-text tools, allowing them to compose a first draft verbally. I’ve learned about mind-mapping programs like Miro that students use to organize their ideas multimodally. I’ve seen students gain confidence by using Grammarly to correct their writing as they work. While these technologies can be a significant boon for writers, they also introduce new challenges: These instances and others like them…

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