Author: Bri Lafond


Dr. Bri Lafond (she/her) is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Millikin University and Virtual Events Chair of the Online Writing Centers Association. She researches content creators’ multimedia composing practices as well as how various technologies impact writing center tutoring, training, and governance.

Across global Rhetoric and Composition Studies teaching and professional communities and their allied fields, the impact of digitalization and multimodal literacy is undeniable (Bhutoria, 2022; Nazari, 2021; Sevnarayan & Potter, 2024). This influence has significantly shaped writing program pedagogies and theories (Fyfe, 2023; Graham, 2023; Mohammed, 2023); the writing center is no exception (Buck & Botvin, 2024; Essid, 2023). Scholars have highlighted how digital transformation, including AI and online teaching, has sparked reflective discussions among directors and writing center tutors. This literacy amalgamation has led tutors and administrators to adapt their philosophies and tutoring strategies, empowering writers and fostering community…

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