Join us for a chat with Dr. Julie Christen, a Learning Experience Designer at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Hosted by Anuj Gupta, PhD Candidate at the University of Arizona and a DRC Fellow, this episode covers Julie’s journey from academia (where she did a PhD specialising rhetoric, writing, UX, and technical communication) to Amazon (where she designs learning content for cloud application developers). Julie and Anuj talk about how to transfer academic skills that rhetoric, composition, and technical communication students possess to industry contexts. Specifically Julie sheds light on the importance of instructions and tutorials in digital writing based human…
Author: Lauran Kerr
Dr. Jason Tham is an associate professor and former DRC Fellow at Texas Tech University specializing in Design thinking, User experience research, Instructional design, and Digital rhetoric. Recommended resources: Buchanan, Richard. “Declaration by Design: Rhetoric, Argument, and Demonstration in Design Practice.” Design Issues, vol. 2, no. 1, 1985, pp. 4–22, Johansson-Sköldberg, Ulla, et al. “Design Thinking: Past, Present and Possible Futures.” Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 22, no. 2, 2013, pp. 121–46, Kostelnick, Charles. “Process Paradigms in Design and Composition: Affinities and Directions.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 40, no. 3, 1989, pp. 267–81, Weaver, Jesse. “Design Has…
In my teens I dropped out of high school and got involved in the hacktivism scene. I did a lot of stuff during this time, but the thing that probably says the most about me is an art project called “Anonymous vs. Art.” In this project I used some half-borrowed, half-handwritten software to temporarily knock the websites of a few of the world’s largest – and most problematic – art galleries offline (the Tate, the Met, etc). The idea of the art project was that the medium is the message, but in hyperdrive; the internet can be a container of…
Also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Show Notes Although the final interview has taken place, On the Job has one last episode for you! In this final, reflective episode, host Nupoor Ranade and Wilfredo Flores speak with … themselves! That’s right, as the title suggests, Nupoor and Wilfredo review some of the advice shared in the past nine episodes, talk about how they adapted some of the advice for their own preparation, and chat about how to convert some of the advice for a pandemic job market. They also end with some extra nitty gritty tips on doing Zoom…