Author: Daymon Kiliman

Daymon has been involved with writing centers since the beginning of his career in education. He currently works as a writing consultant for Purdue University Global and as an adjunct instructor for English composition at the University of Illinois Springfield.

From information scavenger to information creator You may have seen the rise of new note-taking apps that sell themselves as a kind of “second brain” or “all-in-one workspace.” Their primary function is to store and connect notes of all kinds, from tasks and projects to research and meeting notes. Currently, the most popular are: Roam Research Notion Obsidian Craft Docs These apps have revolutionized the way writers think about information management by allowing deeper connections between blocks of information through bidirectional hyperlinks and fluid interfaces. Content creators, or writers, no longer store ideas and information in these digital spaces. They…

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When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, I was teaching my Document Design class, which not only integrates in-class workshops, but also an applied learning project where students design a deliverable for a local organization. This year we were creating social media and marketing assets for Wave Transit, our local public transportation organization. Though students tend to think of public transit in their own terms, often complaining about timeliness and routes, the goal of this project was to create digital assets for transit users other than the traditional student. Applied learning projects like these can provide an environment where students…

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