Text: “Makers and Makerspaces: Teaching Composition in a Creative Economy” Author: Jacob Craig Publisher: Pearson Higher Education Publication Date: August 2014 This month, the DRC fellows are interested in talking about multimodality. We’ve gotten the ball rolling on this conversation by issuing a Call for Blog Carnival Proposals titled “Beyond a ‘Single Language/Single Modality’ Approach to Writing.” To supplement the theme, and for my first official post on behalf of the DRC fellows, I’ve selected this month’s featured webtext, “Makers and Makerspaces” to provide another port of entry for the conversation. Though not directly related to multilingualism, this webtext felt…
Author: Heather Lang
I’ve always been fascinated by the power of the web to connect: things, ideas, words, people. I barely remember a time without the internet, and certainly don’t remember a world with computers. I was the daughter of a technophile amateur programmer and, as a result, my exposure to computer technology was constant, immersive, and profoundly influential. I played in fandom, experimented with document design and photo editing, met others from around the world, all the while swapping ideas, work, and secrets. These early experiences, coupled with my experiences as a woman with hearing loss, laid the groundwork for the research…