Author: Jim Brown


Jim Brown is Associate Professor of English at Rutgers University-Camden where he also serves as Director of the Digital Studies Center (DiSC). His research addresses the ethical and rhetorical underpinnings of computational environments.

The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative is seeking reviewers for the Watson 2018 Conference. We are particularly interested in conference reviews relating to digital rhetoric. Reviews are published on the DRC website to help facilitate conversations about conference sessions among attendees and others who may not have been present at the conference. If you would like to be a reviewer for a #watscon18 session, please visit our Google Form to sign up for a session to review. Reviews can be composed in written text (500-1500 words) or in any other appropriate media as long as the information can be received by…

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My path to digital rhetoric as a scholarly interest has been a long and winding one. I hand-coded my first website in high school. But, as a master’s student and then adjunct at Emerson College, I reserved digital and multimodal composing for my students. It wasn’t until I took a digital publishing course that I remembered my love for creating webtexts—since then producing and studying digital texts has become central to my both my research and teaching. During my time at TCU, I’ve been supported to pursue my interests in digital rhetoric. Over two courses, I created a resource for…

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