Author: Jenae Cohn

Jenae Cohn is a PhD candidate in English and Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition Studies at UC Davis. Her research explores how materialities of reading and writing technologies affect established and emerging writers' perceptions of reading and writing experiences. She works in her university's WAC program as a graduate writing fellow and also serves as a HASTAC Scholar. She blogs irregularly at and to get herself writing, she lights candles and dons the fuzziest of socks.

Wiki Wednesdays are back! That means more posts on pedagogical and scholarly uses of wikis. We’ll also be talking about our very own DRC Wiki, and how you can get involved. In this post, former DRC fellow Matthew Vetter discusses how partnering with the Wiki Education Foundation can provide opportunities for Digital Humanities practitioners. Vetter recently led a multi-course project at Ohio University with Sarah Einstein to remediate the encyclopedia’s gender gap. The following essay is a condensed version of his presentation at WikiConference USA, which you can watch here. The essay originally appeared on the Wiki Education Foundation’s Blog, on October 26 ,2015. I’ve just returned from Washington…

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Image via Paula Miller. From left to right: Jenae Cohn, Naomi Silver, Matthew Vetter, Paula Miller, Laura Gonzales, Merideth Garcia, Brenta Blevins, Anne Gere. Not pictured: Lindsey Harding The 2014-15 academic year ushered in several big changes for the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative! With a major site re-design came an increased focus on ensuring the blog was engaging with the kinds of multiliteracies it heralds. While continuing features like the Webtext-of-the-Month, Wiki Wednesdays, and semester-long Blog Carnivals, new features like DRC Chat on Air, Reflections from the Cloud, and Tool Review Tuesdays were introduced. Each of the 2014-15 DRC fellows have…

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Happy Wiki Wednesday, everyone! We previously reflected on the DRC Wiki Quest at Computers and Writing 2015 and met two grand prize winners: Stephanie Vie and Alyssa Hillery. This week, meet our final DRC Wiki Quest winner Shelley Rodrigo! We offer congratulations to the three grand prize winners, who completed the steps in the DRC Wiki Quest, and all the other questers who participated in the DRC Wiki Quest and helped collaboratively build the resources of the DRC Wiki. DRC Wiki Quest winner Shelley Rodrigo won as a grand prize a copy of Writing Assessment and the Revolution in Digital Texts and Technology by Michael…

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We previously reflected on the DRC Wiki Quest at Computers and Writing 2015 and met grand prize winner Stephanie Vie. This week, meet DRC Wiki Quest grand prize winner Alyssa Hillary! Alyssa was the first to complete the DRC Wiki Quest at Computers and Writing 2015. We offer congratulations to the three grand prize winners, Alyssa Hillary, Stephanie Vie, and Shelley Rodrigo, who completed the steps in the DRC Wiki Quest, and all the other questers who participated in the DRC Wiki Quest and helped collaboratively build the resources of the DRC Wiki. Meet DRC Wiki Quest winner Alyssa Hillary, who won as…

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