Presenters: Erin Banks-Kirkham, LaSierra University Felicia Chong and Josephine Walwema, Oakland University Lauren Short, University of New Hampshire Review: In the very first panel session of FemRhets, a trio of presentations explored the past and the present of U.S. political campaigns. Erin Banks-Kirkham presented first, and her panel “The Beginning of the Devolution: Women’s Representation Through Language in the 1980 Reagan Campaign for President” applied critical discourse analysis to archival material from the Reagan Presidential Library. Focusing primarily on documents related to a “women’s issues” speech written for—but never delivered by—Ronald Reagan during his first campaign for president of the…
Author: Karrieann Soto Vega
Presenters: Christina Ramiriz, University of Arizona Wendy B. Sharer, East Carolina University Heather Brook Adams, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Lynée Lewis Gaillet, Georgia State University Chair: Jessica Enoch, University of Maryland-College Park Respondent: Cheryl Glenn, Pennsylvania State University Review: Imagine being a first-time attendee at the 2017 Feminisms and Rhetorics. You skipped out on yoga and downed some coffee and a protein bar. After attending a fascinating panel during Session A, you head to a Session B panel, which is described as a “Collaborative/Interactive Session” (without being sure what that might mean in a FemRhets context). What you…