Author: Karrieann Soto Vega

Diasporican feminista, Doctoral candidate of Composition and Cultural Rhetoric, and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Women's and Gender Studies at Syracuse University. Digital rhetoric enthusiast, and co-executive producer of This Rhetorical Life podcast.

Presenters: Erin Banks-Kirkham, LaSierra University Felicia Chong and Josephine Walwema, Oakland University Lauren Short, University of New Hampshire Review: In the very first panel session of FemRhets, a trio of presentations explored the past and the present of U.S. political campaigns. Erin Banks-Kirkham presented first, and her panel “The Beginning of the Devolution: Women’s Representation Through Language in the 1980 Reagan Campaign for President” applied critical discourse analysis to archival material from the Reagan Presidential Library. Focusing primarily on documents related to a “women’s issues” speech written for—but never delivered by—Ronald Reagan during his first campaign for president of the…

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Presenters: Christina Ramiriz, University of Arizona Wendy B. Sharer, East Carolina University Heather Brook Adams, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Lynée Lewis Gaillet, Georgia State University Chair: Jessica Enoch, University of Maryland-College Park Respondent: Cheryl Glenn, Pennsylvania State University Review: Imagine being a first-time attendee at the 2017 Feminisms and Rhetorics. You skipped out on yoga and downed some coffee and a protein bar. After attending a fascinating panel during Session A, you head to a Session B panel, which is described as a “Collaborative/Interactive Session” (without being sure what that might mean in a FemRhets context). What you…

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