Author: Kristin Ravel

Dr. Kristin Ravel is an Assistant Professor of English at Rockford University. Her research interests encompass multimodality, digital media studies, ethics in communication, and feminist theory.

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative (DRC) Graduate Fellows are graduate students currently working in some area of digital rhetoric who want practical experience in online publishing with a major university press and a website that serves the community of computers and writing. Fellows will be selected by the editors and board of the DRC and will receive an annual stipend of $500 as well as recognition on the DRC website. Applications will be accepted annually on July 1, and the term of Fellowship is for one year with the possibility of renewal. In collaboration with DRC colleagues, Fellows will be responsible for…

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The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative is seeking reviewers for Computers & Writing 2016 sessions. We have enjoyed having many contributors in past years and hope many of our readers will be willing to write a session review to be published on the DRC site this summer! If you would like to be a reviewer for a #cwcon session, please visit our Google Form to either sign up for a keynote or session to review. Your review should include an overview of the session, but should also address key implications, stakes, or take-away points. Please also make sure that if you…

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Kick off the new year by contributing to the Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative’s annual MLA Review Roundup! The DRC is seeking reviewers for MLA 2016 sessions related to digital rhetoric, theory, and pedagogy, and we hope many of our readers will be willing to write a session review to be published on the DRC site. If you would like to be a reviewer for a #MLA16 session, please visit our Google Form to sign up for a session to review. Your review should include an overview of the session, but should also address key implications, stakes, or take-away points. Please also make…

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Digital Rhetoric Collaborative (DRC) Graduate Fellows are graduate students currently working in some area of digital rhetoric who want practical experience in online publishing with a major university press and a website that serves the community of computers and writing. Fellows will be selected by the editors and board of the DRC and will receive an annual stipend of $500 as well as recognition on the DRC website.  Applications will be accepted annually on July 1, and the term of Fellowship is for one year with the possibility of renewal. In collaboration with DRC colleagues, Fellows will be responsible for the completion of…

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