We previously reflected on the DRC Wiki Quest at Computers and Writing 2015 and met grand prize winner Stephanie Vie. This week, meet DRC Wiki Quest grand prize winner Alyssa Hillary! Alyssa was the first to complete the DRC Wiki Quest at Computers and Writing 2015. We offer congratulations to the three grand prize winners, Alyssa Hillary, Stephanie Vie, and Shelley Rodrigo, who completed the steps in the DRC Wiki Quest, and all the other questers who participated in the DRC Wiki Quest and helped collaboratively build the resources of the DRC Wiki. Meet DRC Wiki Quest winner Alyssa Hillary, who won as…
Author: Laura Aull
Last week, we reflected on the DRC Wiki Quest at Computers and Writing 2015. This week, we’re getting to know our winners and their experiences with the quest. We want to congratulate the three grand prize winners, Alyssa Hillary, Stephanie Vie, and Shelley Rodrigo, who completed the steps in the DRC Wiki Quest. We also want to congratulate all the other questers who participated in the DRC Wiki Quest and helped collaboratively build the resources of the DRC Wiki. First up, meet DRC Wiki Quest winner Stephanie Vie, who won as a grand prize a copy of On Multimodality: New Media in Composition Studies by Jonathan…
For today’s Wiki Wednesday, we’re reflecting on Computers and Writing 2015 where the DRC Fellows hosted a DRC Wiki Quest, a conference-long gamification of our DRC Wiki edit-a-thon. We invited all conference participants to take part by completing a range of quests identified on our DRC Wiki Quest gameboard. We had a number of goals we wanted to meet in designing the game, including: build awareness for the DRC Wiki, both at the conference and beyond, as a resource for reference and for classroom activity engage with a variety of participants throughout the conference increase editor sign-ups scaffold wiki editing activities to demonstrate classroom assignment possibilities build editorial contributions to…
This year at Computers and Writing 2015, we’re hosting a DRC Wiki Quest as part of our edit-a-thon of the DRC Wiki. With this quest, we’re combining our interests in games (check our recent blog carnival on social justice and gaming) and wikis to provide conference goers with the opportunity for hands-on experience editing a wiki, as well as opportunities to examine classroom games and wiki activities. To play the DRC Wiki Quest: Stop by our table (Jarvis Science Hall Concourse) to pick up a GameSheet and a Handout on editing the DRC Wiki. The Handout provides instructions for registering and contributing to the DRC Wiki. The…