Author: Lauren Brentnell

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Lauren is a doctoral student in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures at Michigan State University. Her research is within trauma studies, particularly in how trauma survivors use nonlinear, multimodal, and digital forms of composing during recovery.

Acknowledgement We thank all contributors of the 14th Blog Carnival––Jim Brown, Amber Buck, Amelia Chesley, Sergio Figueiredo, Jennifer Juszkiewicz, Kim Lacey, Megan McIntyre, Derek Mueller, Scott Sundvall, and Sara West––for their perspectives and engaging discussion on the states of digital rhetorics. Just before the end of summer, we shared a CFP calling for critical reflections that would help update our understanding of digital rhetorics. We are excited to curate ten blog posts that have made plausible attempts to revisit digital rhetorics’ pasts, examine its current influence, and speculate possible futures. DRC’S First Blog Carnival In an effort to account for…

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The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative is seeking reviewers for the Watson 2018 Conference. We are particularly interested in conference reviews relating to digital rhetoric. Reviews are published on the DRC website to help facilitate conversations about conference sessions among attendees and others who may not have been present at the conference. If you would like to be a reviewer for a #watscon18 session, please visit our Google Form to sign up for a session to review. Reviews can be composed in written text (500-1500 words) or in any other appropriate media as long as the information can be received by…

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As their time with the DRC draws to a close, the 2017-2018 DRC Fellows offer reflections on their experiences, what they’ve learned, and where they go from here. Jason Tham It’s a privilege to work with Naomi Silver, Anne Gere, Adrienne Raw, and the DRC Fellows this past academic year. Through the various projects we have undertaken and collaborated on, I have expanded my personal learning network immensely. The DRC has given me a platform to share my perspectives and ideas. More importantly, being a DRC Fellow lets me connect with scholars in the field who are doing very interesting…

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TheJUMP+, The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects, is an electronic journal that publishes digital and multimedia projects from undergraduate courses. In addition to the student’s project, each publication includes an assignment description, project timeline, student reflection, instructor reflection, and two responses provided by editorial collective members. It also hosts a blog that publishes on digital rhetoric with the most recent posts including “How Multimodal Editing has Made me a Better Writer” and a review of Adobe Spark. The general editor of the journal is Justin Hodgson and the co-managing editors are Alison Witte and Crystal VanKooten. A quick recap about…

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