As their time with the DRC draws to a close, the 2017-2018 DRC Fellows offer reflections on their experiences, what they’ve learned, and where they go from here. Jason Tham It’s a privilege to work with Naomi Silver, Anne Gere, Adrienne Raw, and the DRC Fellows this past academic year. Through the various projects we have undertaken and collaborated on, I have expanded my personal learning network immensely. The DRC has given me a platform to share my perspectives and ideas. More importantly, being a DRC Fellow lets me connect with scholars in the field who are doing very interesting…
Author: Lauren Garskie
The DRC is delighted to announce the award of the 2018 Sweetland/UM Press Book Prize to Tim Lockridge and Derek Van Ittersum for Writing Workflows: Beyond Word Processing. This prize is given to a born-digital or substantially digitally enhanced book-length project that displays critical and rigorous engagement in the field of digital rhetoric. It includes both a cash award and an advance contract for publication in the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative book series of the University of Michigan Press. Writing Workflows argues that a workflow-focused approach to composing can help writers and writing instructors evaluate and adopt the technologies that make writing…
My interest in digital writing first began when I was an undergraduate, convinced that I would finish my degree work and find a job as an editor at a publishing company. As a way of getting some professional writing experience and earning a little extra money, I took an internship at a local company that managed the publication of several trade magazines. I was the Web Content Intern, so my primary responsibility was moving content from the programs that formatted it for print publication in the various magazines to the CMS that would publish that content online. As I worked,…