Welcome to the DRC’s second Hack/Yack Series. Over the next two weeks, Troy Hicks, Associate Professor of English at Central Michigan University, will be taking us into the “existing world of e-reading” to look at what increasingly interactive digital texts mean for readers and writers. Dr. Hicks and fellow researcher Dr. Kristen Turner from Fordham University conduct research into students’ reading practices and contexts. Together, Drs. Hicks and Turner work to show students how they can “enrich their (digital) reading lives” with tools they may have never heard of. Now Dr. Hicks will be sharing his research, his teaching experiences,…
Author: Lindsey Harding
DRC’s Collaborative Forum extends the possibilities of collaboration to the DRC community and beyond. This is a place where collaboration isn’t just talked about and encouraged; it happens. Maybe a scholar has a killer theoretical project and wants to take it to the web. Maybe a developer/designer wants a new challenge. Maybe a teacher wants to know how to use Twitter as a class discussion forum. OR Maybe you want to know the best hosting service for a wordpress site. Maybe you want to know what information you should have on your professional website. On this forum, you can reach…
Want to find out more about “Snow Fall” and what it means for online journalism and digital compositions? Check out our list of related responses, reactions, discussions, and projects. Below, we attempt to sketch out a range of responses to and influences for the piece available on the web. Plus, feel free to leave us a comment and share a link to a resource that you think adds to the conversation. We hope this collaborative resource will help teachers plan units on multimedia storytelling, as well as inspire/provoke/engage writers, designers, and readers who use their computers as a storytelling platform. …
Welcome to the DRC’s First Hack Series! Over the next two weeks, we’ll be exploring the use of online software in a composition classroom. This four-post series, developed and composed by Dr. Paulina Bounds, an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Tennessee Tech University, will chart her experience using Prezi software as a composition platform with first-year students. You’ll hear how she employed Prezi to hack the traditional essay, what her students gained from the project and what they struggled with, and, most importantly, how Prezi can facilitate better writing and collaboration among students. In each post, Dr. Bounds will describe and…