Author: Lindsey Harding

Lindsey Harding graduated from the University of Georgia in May 2015 with her Ph.D. in English. She is now the Assistant Director of the Writing Intensive Program at UGA. Her research and writing interests include composition and rhetoric, creative writing, and digital humanities. In May 2011, she graduated from Sewanee University’s School of Letters with her M.F.A. in creative writing. She earned her B.A. from Columbia University in 2004. She lives in Athens, Georgia, with her husband and three small children.

What did you do this summer? Memories of sitting in school on the first day, recounting the summer activities for our teachers in essays about experiences that couldn’t possibly be narrated in the short space we’d been allotted, come to mind. And yet, here on the DRC blog and in the cybersphere in general, reading about others’ summer exploits and current projects takes on new meaning, allowing us to share resources — both generated and found — and the things we’ve learned about composing with (and within) new media. With that in mind, our not-so-formulaic narrative goes something like this:…

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