Author: Liz Homan

Presenters: Julie C. Bates (Milliken University), Chris Mays (University of Nevada Reno), and Sarah Warren-Riley (Illinois State University) Julie C. Bates, “Little Moments of Intervention” What is success in situations where communities are working to circulate materials with the aim of communicating environmental risks? Ultimately, the metric is less risk. But that goal is a long term one, and so Bates is working to develop criteria for near-term measures of success that can work as formative feedback. Bates calls this an “interventionary” approach, wherein community activists can approach their work as a series of specific interventions over time, each measurable with a…

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I dedicate this post to all those digital rhetoricians out there who made it a goal to “learn to code” this Summer. I hope you did, and I hope you had fun. But I also hope you get back to doing your real job. We need you. Don’t panic, I’m not against making stuff with programming languages. I make software. And I think you should too. But writing code? You should leave that to other people. As for my summer, I spent a lot of time thinking about teaching and learning in online spaces. I taught an online first-year writing…

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