Presented by Jill Morris, Frostburg State University Reviewed by Shampa Biswas, Washington State University Shampa Biswas is an PhD. student in Language, Literacy, and Technology (LLT) from the Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education and a graduate writing consultant at Graduate and Professional Writing Center (GPWC) of the Writing Program, Washington State University. Her research interests are Graduate writing support, Writing tutoring, Writing Instruction, Sustainable Literacy Development, and Multi-criteria Decision Making. I had the opportunity to participate another Google Glass session in the spring 2014. Through the presentation at Townhall 1, I realized that Google Glass needs to…
Author: Liz Homan
Presented by Dr. Christy Desmet, University of Georgia Reviewed by Shampa Biswas, Washington State University. Shampa Biswas is an PhD. student in Language, Literacy, and Technology (LLT) from the Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education and a graduate writing consultant at Graduate and Professional Writing Center (GPWC) of the Writing Program, Washington State University. Her research interests are Graduate writing support, Writing tutoring, Writing Instruction, Sustainable Literacy Development, and Multi-criteria Decision Making. I am thankful to the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative (DRC) for taking the initiatives for review of different conference session. This helps me not only to experience…
Because a number of our existing and new readers (welcome, new readers!) signed up at Computers and Writing 2014 to be reviewers for conference sessions, and because I don’t want to miss anyone, I’m posting some quick instructions for review posters here. Did you forget to sign up to write a review, but have good notes and memory from a session that stuck out to you? Send me an email to let me know if there’s a session you’re interested in writing about, and we’ll see what we can do to make you a C&W Reviewer, too. For posters: Visit…
The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative is seeking reviewers for Computers & Writing 2014 sessions. We have enjoyed having many contributors in the past two years and hope many of our readers would be willing to write a session review to be published on the DRC site this summer! If you would like to be a reviewer for a #cwcon session, please visit our Google Form to either sign up for a panel, caucus, town hall, or keynote to review. You may also propose a different panel to review. Your review should include an overview of the session, but should also address…