Presenters Collin Brooke, Syracuse University Kathie Gossett, Iowa State University Liza Potts, Michigan State University Kristi McDuffie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Quinn Warnick, Virginia Tech Timothy Laquintano, Lafayette College Douglas Walls, University of Central Florida Review Where does digital rhetoric stop and digital humanities begin? Where does technical communication or the computers and writing fit? How is this new burgeoning field taking shape and how can scholars help develop it? This roundtable session, loaded with years of experience, sought out to address some of these questions. As it turns out, the answer is rather simple: whatever you decide to call the field, take advantage…
Author: Rick Wysocki
Presenter Stephanie Vie, University of Central Florida Review Stephanie Vie began the first keynote address of Computers and Writing 2016 with statistics comparing the use of social media in the classroom ten years ago versus today. As social media began its ascension into society, only about 10% of college instructors used various platforms. Today 90% of instructors use social media, with YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter in the top three. Whether it’s for class announcements, assignments, or building professional identities, social media is here to stay. At one point in her address, Vie even compared leaving Facebook to the Hotel California—you…