Author: Thais Rodrigues Cons

Thais Rodrigues Cons is a PhD student in Rhetoric & Composition at the University of Arizona, where she currently works at the Graduate Center Office of Fellowships and Writing Support. Her research interests include Technical and Professional Writing, Critical Digital Literacies, Multilingual Writing & Identity, and Writing Centers.

Although I’m genuinely tired of hearing this phrase, I have to start with it because it’s an undeniable fact: The launch of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022 marked a seismic shift in the landscape of higher education. I consider myself lucky to have had a front-row seat when witnessing the transformative impact of AI on higher education in my country: I have recently transitioned from working in a writing center to leading a Competence & Career Center at a German University of Applied Sciences. Additionally, I work as a freelance trainer conducting seminars on “AI and Academic Writing” for academic…

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