Author: Thais Rodrigues Cons

Thais Rodrigues Cons is a PhD student in Rhetoric & Composition at the University of Arizona, where she currently works at the Graduate Center Office of Fellowships and Writing Support. Her research interests include Technical and Professional Writing, Critical Digital Literacies, Multilingual Writing & Identity, and Writing Centers.

During my formal education as an English and Portuguese language and literature undergraduate major in Brazil, I learned English through traditional methods like timed exams, grammar drills, and textbooks, and was mostly discouraged from using technology. This approach left me feeling inadequate, and I soon internalized that “writing in English was not for me.” Despite teaching English to Brazilians, I never felt confident in my written pieces in English. Everything changed when I started volunteering at CAPA, the Academic Publishing Advisory Center— a writing center in southern Brazil where I acted as a translator and tutor, translating faculty and graduate…

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