
Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Book Series Editors

Anne Ruggles Gere, University of Michigan
Naomi Silver, University of Michigan
Simone Sessolo, University of Michigan

Series Board
Janine Butler, Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Antonio Byrd, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Laura Gonzales, University of Florida
Douglas Eyman, George Mason University
Derek Mueller, Virginia Tech
Nupoor Ranade, Carnegie Mellon University
Jentery Sayers, University of Victoria
Jason Tham, Texas Tech University
Ja’La Wourman, Howard University


The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Book Series publishes texts that investigate the multiliteracies of digitally mediated spaces both within academia as well as other contexts. We encourage submissions that address, among others, topics such as:

  • new convergences and economies;
  • shifting ideologies and politics;
  • global contexts and multilingual discourses;
  • reconstructions of race, class, gender, sexuality, and (dis)ability;
  • emerging theories and technologies; and
  • reconfigured divisions and connections within these spaces.

The DRC is known for its born-digital as well as digitally enhanced submissions — in the form of collections and monographs of varying lengths and genres — that engage with digital rhetoric’s histories and futures; its border-fields and transdisciplines; its ethics and aesthetics; its materialities, networks, praxes and pedagogies.

For more information about submitting a proposal visit our Submit a Book Proposal page.

The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Book Series is published by the University of Michigan Press.