Browsing: Writing for Social Media

Classroom Activity: Social Media Platform Analysis

Assignment Title: Social Media Platform Analysis

Author: Emily Gillo, University of Memphis, (

Course Motivation: This course is centered around critical digital literacy and aims to give students … Read more... “Classroom Activity: “Social Media Platform Analysis””

Assignment Title: Textual Analysis

Author: Liz Thomae, Indiana University Bloomington,

Course Motivation:
In this course, students learn to employ strategies of pre-writing, drafting, and revising, taking into consideration rhetorical purpose, the knowledge and needs of … Read more... “Course Activity: “Textual Analysis””

Assignment Title: Evaluating Design in Social Media Activism

Authors: Victoria Aquilone (course instructor) and Amanda McCollom (multimedia literacy librarian), University of Delaware (

Date published: August, 2022

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