Classroom Activity: Hot Topics
Assignment Title: Hot Topics
Author: Cassie Kutev, Texas Woman’s University,
Course Motivation: As a multimodal pedagogical tool, debate expresses their arguments from competing perspectives to master forensic rhetoric. (Chang & Cho, 2010) Debating is an excellent means of instruction to promote the crucial higher order writing features, such as structure and critical thinking, while also honing students’ analytical and research skills. (Lynch, 2021)
Context of Use: Mid Semester Check-In Assignment. Learning Outcomes: Critical analysis of various pieces of information for interpretation. Differentiate methods of various strategic communication mediums and their purposes. Identify and explain the ethos, pathos, logos, and Kairos in rhetoric and apply it in composition and communication. Additional Learning Outcomes: Recognize the effects of how rhetoric can shape individuals and social groups. Identify the common themes/arguments/myths/stereotypes/fallacies within the mediums selected.
Instructor Reflection: What does instructor labor look like? At this point, students should have grasped cogent argumentation in the written format, and there should be the beginnings of developing oral argumentation skills. With that, the instructor has to be mindful of topic selection and emotional labor for the students who might have trepidations about public speaking. With that, there might be additional “coaching” for students. During the activity, the instructor will act more as a moderator/observer and only interrupt if flagrant/malicious behavior happens.