Table of Contents

Writing Worfklows:
Beyond Word Processing

Acknowledgments and Credits


This project began in the summer of 2014 at the Computers and Writing Conference in Frostburg, Maryland, and in the years since, we have benefited from the support and guidance of friends, family members, and colleagues.

We are especially thankful for the many people who have read chapter drafts and provided feedback. Libby Anthony, Kristine Blair, Lauren Marshall Bowen, Kory Lawson Ching, Carlos Evia, Daniel Lawson, Peter Mortensen, Kim Hensley Owens, Jason Palmeri, Jennifer Grouling Snider, and Pamela Takayoshi generously read drafts and offered helpful feedback at various points in our process. Similarly, Amber Buck, Tim Laquintano, Rachael Sullivan, and Annette Vee coauthored conference panel proposals with us and helped us think more expansively about this project. Likewise, Patrick Berry, Diana George, Gail Hawisher, and Cynthia L. Selfe supported us, cheered on this work, and modeled generous mentoring.

This project grew from the generosity of our research participants, who are self-employed and for whom time spent speaking with us was time away from their work. We appreciate their willingness to talk and to introduce us to their peers in the workflow affinity space. Likewise, Quinn Warnick deserves a special thank-you for working through an initial test interview and helping us to better focus our research and interview questions.

We also benefited from the support of the Sweetland DRC: Sara Cohen, Anne Ruggles Gere, Naomi Silver, and Simone Sessolo helped us move from proposal to publication; Carleigh Davis and Lauren Brentnell, who were DRC graduate fellows during the 2017–2018 academic year, read chapter drafts and offered extensive feedback; and the members of the editorial board (as well as anonymous peer reviewers) provided helpful feedback at various stages of the project.

We are also grateful for the institutional support we've received. Both Kent State University and Miami University offered us research leaves during the course of this project, and we've benefited from institutional financial support for travel and technology.

Finally, many thanks to our families for their ongoing love and support.

Project Source

We have shared this Github repo (forthcoming) so that you can download this book and read and build from its source. Our intention is for Writing Workflows to be accessible, readable, and responsive, and we hope that the source files for this book can offer a model for those interested in composing digital scholarship.

Image and Video Credits

Unless otherwise noted above or in the text, all screen captures were composed by us.

Web technologies

We thank the developers of the following web technologies used in Writing Workflows:

  • Foundation, which gave us a responsive, grid-based design framework
  • Bigfoot JS, which modernized our footnotes
  • Prism.js, which made our code samples much easier to read
  • Smartquotes, which improved our typography and saved us many tedious hours
  • Soundcite, which is a wonderful media technology from the Knight Lab
  • FontAwesome, which gave us many handy icons